
Preschool Baseball Math Freebie

September 21, 2020

Preschool Baseball Math Freebie

This week’s preschool baseball math freebie was inspired by my son’s growing love for all things sports related.  He has suddenly been wanting to play catch with us, practice dribbling his basketball, and watching football with his dad.  And as I am sure you smart moms know, using your child’s interests is one of the best ways to keep them engaged in learning!  So if you have a sports loving preschooler in your house, keep reading!

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What You Need:

– Baseball Math Printable (Free at the end of this post)

– Paper Clip or Spinner like THIS.

– Mini Erasers or Math Cubes

– Markers (for more advanced option)


How to Play Baseball Math Freebie:

First, print off your Baseball Math Freebie.  There are two versions of this for different levels of learners.  If your preschooler is working on number recognition, then you can use version one.  If you are ready to begin some simple addition, you can try version two!

Version one you can make a spinner with a paper clip and a pencil.  Have your child spin on the spinner and identify the number they spin!  Next, they can take a mini eraser or math cube and find the matching number on the mat.  Continue spinning until you have all the numbers covered.

If you are ready for more of a challenge, you can use version number two.  This time you will spin twice.  Use the recording sheet to put those two numbers in an equation and then solve the equation.  Now take that number and find it on the baseball mat and cover it.  If recording the equation is too much for your child, you can use your mini erasers or math cubes to count out each number and then count the total.


Ready to learn? You can grab your own copy of Preschool Baseball Math when you become an email subscriber below!

Looking for more ways to teach your preschooler at home?  See my Preschool Made Easy Bundle HERE and teach your child in 30 minutes or less a day.  Or see just the sports theme below.

Or see more free preschool activities in the posts below.

Let’s stay in touch!!  Click the icons below to follow me on social media.


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I have been married for 10 years and have been blessed with 4 little miracles who call me mom and five babies I will get to meet someday in heaven. As an elementary teacher turned stay at home mom, I have a passion for making educational resources for my family and yours. I want learning to be fun and meaningful! I love Jesus, leggings, Diet Pepsi, and winning at board games. Join me each week as we grow little hearts and minds. Read More

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