
Flashlight Alphabet Game

June 18, 2023

Flashlight Alphabet Game

I got the concept for this flashlight alphabet game from a random post I saw on social media.  But if your preschooler is anything like mine, they love flashlights!  So I knew I needed to use this idea to help us practice our alphabet skills this summer!  So grab your flashlight, turn out the lights and let’s get ready for some fun!

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What You Need for this Alphabet Flashlight Game:

Alphabet Flashlight Printable  (free at the end of this post)


Dark Room

How To Play:

You will need to get the printable cards prepared first!  Print off the free printable at the end of this post.  You should have cards with a blank tent and then other sheets with just letters on the card.  You will want to use a glue stick and glue the blank tent cards on top of a sheet of letter cards.  Try to line them up as best you can, but don’t worry about it being perfect.  After all your sheets are glued together, you can cut the cards out.  You should end up with 26 cards that look like the cards in the picture above.

I will say that you can see the letter through the paper a little bit still, but don’t worry.  Once you get in a dark room you won’t be able to see the letters.  I told my little guy that we were going on a camping trip in the dark.  You could hide the letter cards around the room and find them with a flashlight or you could put them in a bucket like a pretend campfire.  However you set it up, let your child find one card at a time and use their flashlight to shine on the card. 

My son initially wanted to shine the flashlight on the front of the card, which doesn’t help see the letter a lot, but I showed him that if you shine the flashlight on the back, it really makes the letter shine!  Let you child identify each letter you find or draw from the bucket.  And if they don’t know the letter, just tell them!  The more they see the letter and hear it’s correct name the closer they will be to remembering it on their own!


Are you ready to play today?  Grab my Flashlight Alphabet Printable below when you become a subscriber! 




Looking for more ways to teach your preschooler at home?  Check out my Preschool Made Easy Program for 30 weeks of home based instruction.


Or check out the posts below for more FREE Four O’Clock Fun Activities.

leave invisible clues that describe something

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I have been married for 10 years and have been blessed with 4 little miracles who call me mom and five babies I will get to meet someday in heaven. As an elementary teacher turned stay at home mom, I have a passion for making educational resources for my family and yours. I want learning to be fun and meaningful! I love Jesus, leggings, Diet Pepsi, and winning at board games. Join me each week as we grow little hearts and minds. Read More

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