
F is for Fish- Letter F Week

January 26, 2019

F is for Fish- Letter F Week

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Our game this week is simple enough that a wide age range can play.  We have 3 to 7 year olds playing with us!  Of course we had to help the 3 year old with the letter names more, but he got some great exposure to the alphabet!  And remember, like most of my games, you can always modify this to fit your child.  If you are working on beginning sounds have them tell you the letter sound or give you a word that starts with that sound instead of just the letter name.

What You Need:

– Alphabet Fish Printable (free at the end of this post)

Bucket or Basket

-Dice- We like these big foam dice.

How to Play:

– First print off and cut apart the free Alphabet Fish printable.  Then spread out the fish cards all across the table.

-Next, tell your child that we need to save the fish!  They jumped out of the water (your bucket) and they can’t live long out of water so we need to get them back in the bucket!  Let your child roll the dice and then choose that many fish to put back into the bucket.  So if they roll a 2 they pick 2 fish to put back in the bucket.  Of course before they put the fish in the bucket they should tell you the letter name!

– If you are playing with a group, let the next person roll the dice, identify the letters, and put their fish in the bucket.  Or you can be the second player and play with your child! I have a child who lives for competition, so we said whoever put the last fish in the bucket was the winner.

– There is one catch to the game though!  If you roll a four, you have to make four fish jump back out of the bucket onto the table!  So you never quite know when the game will be done!

I love this game because it helps gain confidence in beginning learners.  They get to pick the fish they save, so of course they will be looking for the letters they know first.  And they still get exposure to letters they may be struggling with as other players go (or you if it is just you and your child!).

Are you ready to play Alphabet Fish with your child?  Become a subscriber below and get this freebie and be on the lookout every Monday for my new weekly alphabet freebie!

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I have been married for 10 years and have been blessed with 4 little miracles who call me mom and five babies I will get to meet someday in heaven. As an elementary teacher turned stay at home mom, I have a passion for making educational resources for my family and yours. I want learning to be fun and meaningful! I love Jesus, leggings, Diet Pepsi, and winning at board games. Join me each week as we grow little hearts and minds. Read More

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