I’m Chrystal Hambek and welcome to my little place on the web! I’m so glad you stopped by! I’m a wife and mother to 4 young children, a former elementary music teacher, a current Children’s Ministry director, and a recovering Super Mom.
My biggest hesitation about starting a blog was that I never want to give anyone the idea that we have it all together over here. Throughout motherhood, one of my biggest struggles has been not feeling like I measure up to that Super Mom status. I can so often feel like I need to be all and do all for my kids because it all depends on me!! I need to be a Super Mom!!
God has been patiently showing me that there is only one who can be all and and do all for my kids and it’s not me!! And it is in this idea that the name for this blog was born. Trying to be a Super Mom left me frustrated, and let’s be honest… grumpy! But what freedom there is when I hang up my cape and allow myself to be the mom God created me to be, and let God be everything else!
I hope you find encouragement, grace, and hope on the pages of this blog! God Bless!