
Behavior Bingo- Summer Strategies With Kids

June 13, 2019

Behavior Bingo- Summer Strategies with Kids

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Summer has started and I don’t know about you but I could use some summer strategies to help with my kids!  So, we are taking a little break from our normal alphabet activities to share our first summer strategy with you!  First, let me say, I do not have the corner on the “right” way to do summer with kids!  I truly believe that different things work for different kids and families.  So if this doesn’t resonate with you, I promise I won’t be offended! 

To be honest, this whole activity is mostly for my oldest.  To be fair she is spending her summer with 5 kids that are all significantly younger than her.  And her personality really thrives with structure (like what she has at school!).  So finally last summer I figured out she needed help added more structure to our summer days!  This summer we are incorporate some of our structure into a game we call, Behavior Bingo.

What You Need:

– Behavior Bingo Printable (Free at the end of this post)


Laminating Packets


– Scissors

Dry Erase Marker

How to Play:

-First, you want to print your Behavior Bingo Board, Number Cards, and Bingo Prize Cards.  Feel free to make up your own rewards, but I included the prizes we are using to get your creative juices flowing.  You will need 22 bingo prizes, but feel free to just write yours down and cut them up!

-You will want to laminate your Behavior Bingo board so it can be reused.  Then cut apart your number cards and bingo prizes.  Put the number cards in one envelope and the bingo prized in a separate envelope.

– As I am sure you can guess, the goal is to get a bingo!!  How your children earn a square is up to you!  For us, we are focusing on two things this summer.  First… kindness!  So if I see one of them doing something kind, I may tell them they can draw a number card and color that square in!  The second thing we are focusing on is responsibility.  Each day I make my big girl a list of the things we are going to do and complete the next day.  It really helps her to see the plan and understand what I expect from her.  If she completes all the tasks on her list she gets to color in another square.

– Here is our set up.  So you will end up with lots of random squares colored in on your board.  Eventually you will have an entire row colored in!  Once a whole row is colored in they have earned a Bingo prize!!  They get to draw one of the prize slips out and see what they have won.  We talked ahead of time about how we will find a good time to do the reward, and that it won’t necessarily be right away that day.  We also have a big blackout goal to go to a local pizza arcade as a family.

We are loving this game so far!  It helps keep my kids motivated and accountable for what I decide are the most important things!  Try it and let me know how it goes!


You can grab your own copy of Behavior Bingo when you become an email subscriber!  Just enter your information below and then look for the pink download button.

[et_bloom_locked optin_id=”optin_72″] [/et_bloom_locked]

Looking for more alphabet resources?  Check out these post below for my FREE alphabet games and activities, or see my premium resources HERE.


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I have been married for 10 years and have been blessed with 4 little miracles who call me mom and five babies I will get to meet someday in heaven. As an elementary teacher turned stay at home mom, I have a passion for making educational resources for my family and yours. I want learning to be fun and meaningful! I love Jesus, leggings, Diet Pepsi, and winning at board games. Join me each week as we grow little hearts and minds. Read More

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