
Editable Chore Charts

August 27, 2020

Editable Chore Charts

Now that school is back in session in one way or another for many of us, I wanted to share the editable chore charts we have been using.  First, I want to always say at the beginning of any post about motherhood, this is not the only way to do things or even the best way!  I have learned so much from my mom friends, that I only want to share a few ideas that have really helped our family! 

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Rainbow Potion for Preschool

Why use editable chore charts?

First, I am a type A personality.  I just am.  So I naturally love to do lists!  This is my comfort place.  This is my jam.  It’s totally cool if it is not yours!  But the reason we have used these charts is because I hate being the nagging mom.  But I also hate my kids not taking care of their responsibilities.  This chart doesn’t make everything perfect, but it does help reduce my nagging and hold my big girls to their own responsibilities.

So first, you can brainstorm with your child what things need to be done both before and after school.  Some things are just plain common sense like eat breakfast, get dressing and brush your teeth.  Some items are things that are responsibilities we have given them like their chore.  And on our before school list, I like to add a checklist of things they need to remember daily.  You may also see that I have some tasks on both the before and after school lists.  Things like practicing piano can be done at either time, so I include them on both list and they can choose to do them at the time they want.  You can always leave blank spaces too so that you can add things for days something extra needs to be added in.  The chore charts come in 4 different colors and styles too!

Once you have your list ready you can edit the template.  This template is a POWERPOINT file so you will need powerpoint to edit it.  Once you have them edited, print and laminate them and as long as you use a dry erase marker you can reuse them each day.

How we use the chore chart:

While I am not perfect at it, my goal each day is to go through the list once with my daughters and then allow them to complete it on their own.  Of course they can ask for help if they need it, but my goal is to let them learn how to complete it in a responsible and timely way.  Sometimes that means we are late to something.  Or sometimes that means we don’t have time for tv time or a fun activity.  But these chore charts have helped us establish expectations.  Those expectations then allow me to be hands off and let my kids learn to be independent.  Definitely not something that comes easy for me, and something I am still growing in. However, I can already see how these lessons are making an important impact on my kids. 


Ready to make your own Chore Chart?  Sign up to become a subscriber below and get the editable chore chart emailed to you!  




Looking for more preschool activities?  Check out my new Preschool Made Easy homeschool curriculum HERE.  You can teach your child in 30 minutes or less a day!



Or check out the posts below for more FREE Four O’clock Fun activities.

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I have been married for 10 years and have been blessed with 4 little miracles who call me mom and five babies I will get to meet someday in heaven. As an elementary teacher turned stay at home mom, I have a passion for making educational resources for my family and yours. I want learning to be fun and meaningful! I love Jesus, leggings, Diet Pepsi, and winning at board games. Join me each week as we grow little hearts and minds. Read More

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