
Gingerbread Name Craftivity

December 21, 2022

Gingerbread Name Craftivity 

This gingerbread name craftivity was actually inspired by my seven year old daughter.  My two big girls have been asking to help with my blog so I was talking to them about my next freebie!  I knew I wanted it to be a gingerbread theme and my daughter suggested we do something to practice spelling their names.  And so this week’s freebie was born!

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What You Need:

– Gingerbread Craftivity Printable (Free at the end of this post)


Markers or Crayons

Glue Stick

-Small Candy (optional)

How to Create the Gingerbread Name Craftivity:

First, print off your gingerbread craftivity printable.  There are several ways to complete this activity. There is a black and white mat that you can have your child color.  You can cut out all the gum drop letters and have your child pick out the letters that belong in their name or you can just cut out the letters in their name and have them put the letters in the right order.  Use a glue stick to glue them on your colored gingerbread house.

To finish out decorating your gingerbread house you can cut out the candy pieces and glue them on the board or you can use real candy and glue it around the house.  It is fun to see how their creative minds work!

If your child is not a fan of coloring (that was totally me as a child!!) then you could also use the color copy of the gingerbread house.  Then you would skip the coloring part and have your child glue their letter names on and decorate!!  I would love to see your gingerbread house creations so make sure you tag me if you post your pictures!!

You can grab your own copy of this

Gingerbread Name Craftivity Printable when

you become an email subscriber!  Just enter

your information below!



Looking for a simple way to teach your preschooler at home?  Try my Preschool Made Easy Curriculum!  Learn basic math and literacy skills in 30 minutes a day!  Get the whole bundle HERE.






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I have been married for 10 years and have been blessed with 4 little miracles who call me mom and five babies I will get to meet someday in heaven. As an elementary teacher turned stay at home mom, I have a passion for making educational resources for my family and yours. I want learning to be fun and meaningful! I love Jesus, leggings, Diet Pepsi, and winning at board games. Join me each week as we grow little hearts and minds. Read More

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