
Christmas Letter Games

December 2, 2017
Learn and have fun this holiday season with these Christmas Letter Recognition Games! www.supergodnotsupermom.com

I’m back again this week!  Hopefully, you aren’t getting sick of me yet!!

I am back today to share a few more Christmas Themed Letter Games.  My middle daughter and I have been working on learning our letters this year.  We have been doing a Letter of the Week format, so we are focusing on a specific letter each week.  While we are focusing on one letter each week, I still think it’s really important to do whole alphabet activities.  These whole letter games give her great review for the letters we have already learned, but also give her added exposure to the letters we haven’t learned yet.  Since she hasn’t mastered all of her letters yet, I play these games with her and help her without any penalty or shame when she doesn’t know a letter.

Let’s get to game time now!!!  Click on any of the pictures below to access a download of the game!


Game #1- Letters to Santa

I just knew when I saw this cute clipart set, I had to make something with it!!  You can really set the stage for this game by telling your little learner they are helping Santa organize all his mail!

To play:   Print off the Santa Letter Cards and the Tracking Sheet.  Put the Letter Cards into a box or bucket (if you have a play mailbox, even better!!) Have your child pull out Letter Cards one at a time.  For each card, your child should find and trace the matching letter on the Tracking Sheet.  Make sure you have your child identify the name of each letter to help with letter recognition.  And if your child is still learning be ready to name any letters they are still unsure of!

If you have more space and you have an active learner (Hello, BOY moms!!), you can add a little twist.  Hide Santa’s letters all around your house or classroom and have your kids find.  Grab a clipboard and put the tracker on it, and have your little learner report in on each letter that is found and trace it on the recording sheet!


Game #2- Letter Detective

Let your kid explore their inner detective with this Letter Detective Activity.  This game features 13 cards each hiding 2 letters and 2 different types of recording sheets. 

Give your child one card at a time and tell them Santa needs them to find all of the hidden letters.  Then have your child record on one the recording sheets the number of each letter they found. 


For beginning learners, you can use the first tracking sheet.  For this option your kiddo will need to find the correct letter on the recording sheet and then color in how many letters they found.  Use the second recording sheet if your learner is more advanced.  For this option they will write the letter and  the number, which will add some great handwriting practice!


Game #3- Present Dash

This is a 2 person game.  You could use it in a classroom center, or have siblings play, or what we do is I play with my daughter!  (She likes it best when I play with her anyway!)  The goal of this game is to capture the most present.  In order to capture a present it has to be completely surrounded by markers.  The person who fills the final spot around a present captures it!

To play, players take turns drawing a letter card and then placing their marker (we use mini erasers) on a matching letter on the game board.  There are multiple spots for each letter so choose wisely which spot you want to cover!  Continue taking turns until a player fills the last spot around a present.  Then, the player may mark that present as theirs!  Continue playing until one player has captured 3 presents!!!

Tip for this game:  If you laminate it each player could simply use a different colored dry erase marker and x out spots they choose.



If you like all three of these games you can get them all in one bundle here!!

Looking for more Christmas Learning Games?  Check out these FREE and simple Christmas Letter Games!!!

Print once and play 3 different ways. All for FREE!!!

Christmas 3 in 1 Letter Games

FREE Christmas Counting Cards- Practice Number Recognition and Counting Skills with this freebie! www.supergodnotsupermom.com

Christmas Counting Cards

Enjoy playing and learning with your little ones this holiday season.  MERRY CHRISTMAS from my family to yours!!


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I have been married for 10 years and have been blessed with 4 little miracles who call me mom and five babies I will get to meet someday in heaven. As an elementary teacher turned stay at home mom, I have a passion for making educational resources for my family and yours. I want learning to be fun and meaningful! I love Jesus, leggings, Diet Pepsi, and winning at board games. Join me each week as we grow little hearts and minds. Read More

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