
Toddler Gift Ideas

November 30, 2021

Toddler Gift Ideas

We are in the middle of the gift giving season at our house and these toddler gift ideas are just what we need!  We have two birthdays and of course Christmas during the span of a month of and a half.  Throw Thanksgiving in there and it feels like you hardly have time to finish one celebration before the next is here.  Not that I am complaining!  I love having so many reasons to celebrate, but I have realized I have to think about gifts ahead of time.  I can’t only think about one holiday at a time.  If you need a little help with your holiday shopping this year, I thought I would share with you some of our favorite toddler gifts.  These are all gifts we actually have and have used over the years with our four kids.  

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Toddler Gift Ideas – Indoor Toys

Over the last decade of parenting toddlers we have had lots of indoor toys.  Sadly, so many of them get played with for one day and then set aside.  Many of the electronic toys just aren’t that engaging, but toys like these below have kept my toddlers coming back over and over.  



Indoor Tunnel

My toddler has loved playing with his indoor tunnel.  You can set it up as part of an obstacle course or just use it to play peek-a-boo!

Play Kitchen

This kitchen is a little more of an investment but it has been one of the most played with toys for my four kids.  They have had so much fun over the years making masterpieces.  Something about the opening and closing of each piece is so engaging for toddlers!

Rocking Horse

If you have a kid who loves rocking this is a must!  Two of my kids LOVED to rock.  They loved swings and rocking chairs and of course our rocking horse.  It was a daily part of their play.  It can also be a great tool as you teach your kids to self-regulate!  The rocking was such a soothing and calming option for my kids!

Little People House

We love the little people play house.  It comes with little people and accessories and it makes fun simple sounds that don’t take over the play but really add to it.  My girls loved playing house and making up stories with their people.  On the other hand, my boys are more likely to have the people slide off the roof or use the bathroom, but the both equally enjoy playing with it!

Toddler Trampoline

I live in the Midwest which means we have over half the year that it is cold outside.  You definitely can take the trampoline outside, but it has been a game changer to have inside during the cold winter months.  My six year old boy still jumps on it daily to get out his pent up energy after school or to help him self regulate when he is upset.  If you don’t have one, your future self will thank you if you change that!




 Outdoor Toys

These toys are such a fun way to make outdoor play more engaging.  Active play is such an important part of our kids life and these will take your play outside to the next level!



Toddler Basketball Hoop 

OK.  We don’t actually have this toy, but it is on the list for soon.  My kids have used two trashcans to play basketball in our backyard so I know this one would be used by all of them.  And it gets them outside and moving!

Water Table

This has given us hours of play over the years.  Of course we have played in the water with the table, but my kids have also had fun mixing potions and making bath time for various plastic toys.  We have gifted water tables to several family members because they are a must in our minds!

Slide and Swing

The swing set in our back yard is our clubhouse, our secret base and of course our swing and slide!  We do have a larger wooden set, but those can be much more expensive.  If you are looking for a more affordable option this type of slide and swing set could be a perfect solution!

Cozy Coupe

We got our Cozy Coupe second hand and it has gone through each child!  When I was doing in home daycare it was one of the most fought over toys!!  We have made racetracks and pretended to be delivery workers and now of course keep up with our older siblings on their bikes!

Toy Lawn Mower

There is something about being just like daddy that is so fun for toddlers.  My little guy will drag this out of the garage and push it along the grass so we can see how big he is!  

Fine Motor Toys

I think fine motor toys are the unsung hero of toys.  They have the ability to let your child play quietly at the table while you get your own work done.  Or you can take them with you to the doctor’s office or other quiet settings!



Well, this is technically a latch board, but this and other puzzle type activities are in a constant rotation at my house.  There are so many different types of puzzles.  If your toddler is just starting with puzzles I recommend puzzles with knobs and matching pictures like THIS.  Once they pass this stage, they could move to interlocking puzzle pieces that still provide a picture base like THIS.  Or for an even more advanced option, you can move to a puzzle without the picture base like THIS puzzle cube!

Sticker Books

We love these Melissa and Doug sticker books to start with.  The puffy stickers make it so much easier for younger toddlers to grab and manipulate the stickers and they are reusable on the book!  Of course once these sticker books are mastered you can move onto more traditional stickers like THESE. 

Playdough Tools

Please do yourself a favor and skip the fancy character playdough sets.  They rarely are as cool as they look on the TV commercials.  Instead invest in some playdough tools!  We love our playdough scissors and knives especially because they give toddlers a chance to use these type of big-kid tools without the risk of injury!  


Of course books are always a great gift idea!  We have TONS of books.  There are too many favorites to name, but I will give a few categories of book types we like.  We love these poke-a-dot books.  They are great for toddlers because they have something to do while you are reading!   Another type of books my toddlers have loved are touch and feel books like THESE.  Again, the different textures keep toddlers more engaged in reading!

Water Wow Books

Last up for my list is Water Wow Books.  We have used these in church, when mom is on a phone call, or when I just need a minute to sit down!  They come in all different themes, but who doesn’t love Paw Patrol!!  


I hope this list gave you some helpful ideas!  Make sure you sign up below to become a subscriber and get in on all our weekly Mom Moments.

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I have been married for 10 years and have been blessed with 4 little miracles who call me mom and five babies I will get to meet someday in heaven. As an elementary teacher turned stay at home mom, I have a passion for making educational resources for my family and yours. I want learning to be fun and meaningful! I love Jesus, leggings, Diet Pepsi, and winning at board games. Join me each week as we grow little hearts and minds. Read More

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