
Thanksgiving Letter Recognition Games

November 9, 2017

Happy November, everyone!!  The fall seems to be flying by at our house, and I know Thanksgiving will be here before we know it!!  We have still been busy working on learning our letters with my middle child at home, and I wanted to share some of the fun Thanksgiving Themed Games we have been playing this month!  Make sure you scroll to the bottom to find the game links and the link to your freebie game!!

Game #1- Thanksgiving Land

Our first game is a board game.  You will need the printed off board game and game cards and whatever small markers you want.  (We used small erasers).  Each player will take turns drawing a game card.  If they draw a number they move forward that number of spaces and then identify the letter name they land on.  Thanksgiving Land has three Thanksgiving themed cards.  If a player draws one of these cards they get to go directly to the matching spot on the game board and visit that Thanksgiving Themed Place (Turkey Tent, Pilgram Park, and Pie Place). The game is also filled with arrows that could suddenly move you forward or backward on the game board.  Whenever a player lands on a space connected to the beginning of an arrow, they identify the letter name space and move in the direction the arrow is pointing until they reach the end of the arrow.  Continue taking turns drawing cards and moving on the board until one player reaches the End.

Game #2- Turkey Gobble

This game can be played with 2 to 6 players.  To play you will need 1 set of Alphabet Tiles and a Turkey Game Board for each player.  Players take turn drawing an Alphabet Tile and identifying the letter drawn.  If the player can identify the letter name, they get to keep it and place it on one of their empty number spots on their Turkey Game Board.  The winner is the player who fills up their Turkey Game Board first.  Be careful, though because hidden within the Alphabet Game Cards are several special cards.

Give- Give one of your Alphabet Tiles to any other player.

Take- Take any one Alphabet Tile from another players Turkey Game Board.

Gobble- Loose all your Alphabet Tiles and put them back in the big pile or bucket.

Extra- Draw 2 extra Alphabet Tiles.  If the letter is identified correctly the tiles can be placed on the Turkey Game Board.

Game #3- Fill the Thanksgiving Table

Be the first player to fill your Table full of yummy Thanksgiving food.  This game can be played with 2 to 6 players.  Each player needs one Thanksgiving Table Game Board.  Each game board has a variety of Thanksgiving foods pictured on the table.  Players take turns drawing the Food Cards and identifying the letter on each food card.  After identifying the letter, the player can look at their game board and see if they have the match food and letter on their board.  If they do, they can place the card on their board.  If not, they put the card back in the card bucket or pile.  Repeat with each player taking a turn until one player has all of their Thanksgiving Foods Covered.


Game #4- Turkey Scramble- FREEBIE

The boy and girl Pilgram are scrambling around the yard trying to catch our Thanksgiving turkeys!  Play the game to find out which one catches the most turkeys!  Draw a Pilgram Letter Card, identify the letter and find the matching Turkey on the Recording Sheet.  Color in the Turkey when you find a match!  Continue until all Turkeys are colored in.  When you get to the final turkey, if the picture on the Pilgram Letter Card is the boy, the boy is the winner!  If the final Pilgram Card has a girl on it, then the girl is the winner!


We hope you enjoy these games and have a blessed holiday season!!


 Thanksgiving Land Board Game

Gobble Thanksgiving Letter Game

Fill the Thanksgiving Table Game

Do all 3 of these games sound great?  Check out our Thanksgiving Bundle to get all three games at a discounted price.

Thanksgiving Game Bundle- All 3 Games

And finally, don’t forget to grab your freebie below!  Enjoy!

FREEBIE- Turkey Scramble



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I have been married for 10 years and have been blessed with 4 little miracles who call me mom and five babies I will get to meet someday in heaven. As an elementary teacher turned stay at home mom, I have a passion for making educational resources for my family and yours. I want learning to be fun and meaningful! I love Jesus, leggings, Diet Pepsi, and winning at board games. Join me each week as we grow little hearts and minds. Read More

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