Today I want to share with you all some of the letter videos we have been using to reinforce our letter of the week learning! Now I know some of you may be rolling your eyes already. If this isn’t for you, that’s okay! I have found that my daughter loves these silly videos and often will be signing their silly songs throughout the day. The more she is thinking about those letters the stronger those connections are becoming in her brain!
Typically, we watch one letter video each day. These videos are only a few minutes long, so if you are worried about screen time, this is not having your kids in front of a screen for very long! I find these to be the most effective when you watch the video with them. I like to make sure we point out any of the words we have talked about while learning the letter. They can also serve as a nice brain break if your child has just completed an activity that is more challenging for them!
We have a lot of fun with these and I hope you will too!
More Letters Coming Soon!