
Now I Know My ABCs

October 5, 2017

As a former elementary teacher, education is important in our house!  I fail A LOT as a mom, but one of the things I have done a pretty decent job at, is including educational activities into our days.  I don’t know if it just comes from so many years in education, but I really just loving doing “School Time” with my girls!

Verbal language has always been a strength for my oldest.  She talked early, and hasn’t stopped.  She taught herself how to recognize the letters of the alphabet before she was 2.  When you are a first time parent, you can start to think, “Wow, what a good job I’ve done!”  I laugh so hard at that now because I have the perspective of multiple children with different strengths.  Language is one of my big girl’s strengths, for sure!

Then along came my sweet second daughter.  She is my sweet little singer, a beautiful ballerina, and was born naturally empathetic.  But, for a time I was really nervous because she was slow to talk.  Now at 3, she is a overflowing fountain of words, and is most definitely on track with her peers.  However, I realized that she hasn’t naturally absorbed the letters like her big sister did.  So this year we have set to work having “Mommy Preschool” most school days.

I feel like I have spent hours looking for fun activities to help her learn her letters, and lucky for you, I will be sharing with you all the daily activities we are using to learn our letters.  There will be several activities each day.  Pick and choose what works for you!  I do want to encourage you to use lots of different types of activities!  The more ways your child can experience a letter, the more likely they are to remember it!  What may seem like a silly craft project will be one more way your child is cementing that knowledge in their brain!

I am offering the Letter A Weekly Plans below for free!!  It will give you an idea of what the weekly plans will look like moving forward.  If you are interested in more letters click the link below or go to my Teachers Pay Teachers store here.


Letter A Weekly Plans- Free

More Coming Soon!


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I have been married for 10 years and have been blessed with 4 little miracles who call me mom and five babies I will get to meet someday in heaven. As an elementary teacher turned stay at home mom, I have a passion for making educational resources for my family and yours. I want learning to be fun and meaningful! I love Jesus, leggings, Diet Pepsi, and winning at board games. Join me each week as we grow little hearts and minds. Read More

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