
Preschool Spring Alphabet Sensory Bin

April 6, 2023

Preschool Spring Alphabet Sensory Bin

If this spring alphabet sensory bin doesn’t get you in the mood for spring, I am not sure what will.  It has been so beautiful the last few weeks here in the Midwest!    And it makes me so happy!!  Spring is my very favorite, although I may say that about any season that isn’t winter!  HA!  Anyway, I know it may be a little early for some of you, but this spring alphabet sensory bin was just too fun to not share right away!

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What You Need:

– Spring Picnic Sensory Bin Printable (Free at the end of this post)

– Sensory bin (we used black beans and flower stickers for our filler)


Markers or Bingo Dabbers

How to Play:

First, print off your spring alphabet sensory bin printable.  Cut apart the alphabet cards and select which recording sheet you want to use.  There are uppercase, lowercase and beginning sounds options.  And you can also choose to have your child trace the letters they find or use a bingo dabber if they aren’t quite ready to trace yet!

Next, make sure your sensory bin is ready!  One reason I love sensory bins is because they are so flexible.  You can use whatever you have on hand and your kids will still love it!  We used black beans to make it look like dirt in a garden and then I sprinkled in some flower stickers we already had.  But you could use kinetic sand, you could fill an actual picnic basket, or you could use colored rice or pasta.  I would love to see what you use so make sure you tag me in your photos on social media!

Now you are ready to play!  Let your child find the alphabet cards in the bin and record them on their sheet either by tracing or dotting the correct letter.  I always make sure my child is saying the letter names out loud too so he is getting that letter recognition practice!  Happy playing!!

Looking for more Spring sensory bin activities?  Check out my store HERE for my spring alphabet sensory bin bundle.

Or try my Preschool Made Easy Program to teach your preschooler at home in 30 minutes of less a day!  See the whole bundle of fun HERE.

You can grab your own copy of this

Spring Alphabet Sensory Bin Printable when

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I have been married for 10 years and have been blessed with 4 little miracles who call me mom and five babies I will get to meet someday in heaven. As an elementary teacher turned stay at home mom, I have a passion for making educational resources for my family and yours. I want learning to be fun and meaningful! I love Jesus, leggings, Diet Pepsi, and winning at board games. Join me each week as we grow little hearts and minds. Read More

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